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Kids A Z类型:阅读更新:2019-03-23下载次数:1000万+系统:Android,iOS开发商:Lazel Inc(官网)手机扫二维下载安卓版下载苹果版下载app介绍app截图文件下载网
Welcome to Learning A-Z’s app for reading eBooks from Raz-Kids! If you already use Raz-Kids, this app lets you access eBooks aERP系统
nd eQuizzes for the 300 titles on Raz-Kids, all on your tablet! Don’t have Raz-Kids and don’t know what it is? Raz-Kids.com gives you hundreds of interACTive, leveled books spanning 27 levels of difficulty, covering a wide range of subjects. In addition to engaging kids at their reading level and in their area of interest, this award-winning website gives kids 24/7 Web access to the practice they need to become better, more confident readers. At the same time, teachers can customize assignments, view repoRTS, and track student progress every step of the way. All student activity in the app is captured and reported to teachers at Raz-Kids.com, thus helping teachers monitor student progress and determine the instruction needed for each student. Do you already use both Raz-Kids and Reading A-Z? If so, this app gives you 1,100 eBooks and eQuizzes from the“沈阳软件公司”的新闻页面文章、图片、音频、视频等稿件均为自媒体人、第三方机构发布或转载。如稿件涉及版权等问题,请与