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沈阳APP development: How much does it cost to develop a live web app?

2019-07-11 11:00:45 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

The live broadcast of the mall has been gradually applied in the shopping sector in recent years, and it is only used as an auxiliary function; the development of the live broadcast APP in the mall has become one of the most intuitive information channels through the live broadcast trend; the live broadcast can understand the dynamics in real time. The product display is more comprehensive, and the user experience is more advantageous than the Taobao store. How much does it cost to develop such a live web app?


1. Real-time application development of shopping malls APP

The live broadcast system of the mall includes live interactive functions, e-commerce shopping modules, product categories, product parameters, online payment, multi-platform system support, live location, definition selection, prop interactive functions, etc. more functions according to enterprise development needs To implement customized development services, the app development company evaluates the quotation based on the APP function, refer to APP软件开发


The factors include functional complexity, required manpower, and schedule calculations for all aspects of the calculation.

2. Different development models have different prices

The development model has custom development, through the custom development to create a unique function, free for life, and can be upgraded in the later stage. For some enterprises, the development budget is not high, you can choose secondary development (source development), can be quickly put into use to meet basic user needs.

3. The development language used by the development version is different

In addition, APP development also includes multiple ports: iOS + Android + PC, the development language required for each version is different, APP development company charges according to the development version, most companies choose mainstream mode iOS + Android, The development cost includes two development language fees.

xx app开发的商城多少钱?如果企业想要了解它,仍然需要首先确定开发模型,然后确定开发功能,确定两点,然后检查相应的开发公司,然后是app开发公司。给你一个真正的价格,而不是在功能要求仍未修复时任意引用。对于开发,在线咨询[汇海技术]


