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2019-07-12 22:53:56 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

百度智能小程序简介官方网站官方文档智能小程序是一个全新的开放功能,开发人员可以快速开发智能小程序。通过搜索,可以在手册中轻松获取和传播用户。 Smart 小程序现已进入申请阶段,目前仅对企业,政府,媒体和其他组织等非个人实体开放,个别开发者暂时无法申请。


The summary of development issues is consistent with the 微信 program development. More than 90% of the similarities are consistent with the documentation, development tools, framework design, and API interfaces. That is, 微信小程序 can be migrated to Baidu 小程序 at low cost. For the similarity of a specific function development, refer to 微信小程序 logic. For example, the difference in development between login authentication, application authorization, etc. (can be replaced globally) is different. For example: template file:wxml->swan, style file:wxss->css is partially different when rendering. For example: conditional rendering: wx: if-> s-if and other global interface call objects are different. For example, wx.xxx->swan.xxx Since the emulator IDE can be used when not logged in, you should always pay attention to the login status of the IDE. For example, the swan.getUserInfo call fails when not logged in. The html tags such as div\p\ul\li\span\i will be filtered out in the special case simulator debug panel swan tab. It is not possible to properly debug and view class style information. These tags cannot bind events. For example, the bindtap solution: is replaced by the tag-type file that is supported by Baidu 小程序. But using the class attribute can add css styles.container ul li can't set css style solution: render layer can be modified to, css use class selector 软件 custom


xx .container .ul .li在正常设置样式呈现组件时不能使用&lt;=&lt;&gt;字符串,例如:{{1&lt;=&gt ;这会导致呈现意外行为。 Ps:我怀疑渲染内部使用常规匹配,它将匹配<=&lt;&gt;密钥字符串解决方案:更改为大于&gt;要呈现组件,当属性是对象时,您需要使用{{{}}}例如,没有必要根据数据动态引入例如:声明模板123。应用程序模板,当id=1时,无法正确引入template-1。但是如果你直接写模板-1可以直接引用。解决方案:使用条件渲染动态引入模板。无法播放.m3u8格式视频目前正在寻找原因的解决方案:使用替换来模拟盒子的模型是否异常,但真正的机器预览支持。例如,溢出:隐藏;显示:内联块; max-width: 100rpx和其他属性无效。也就是说,您无法根据内容扩展宽度或折叠文本。您只能设置固定宽度。默认为“阻止”。无法在地图上显示,它可以在模拟器上。解决方案:等待官方修复自定义组件不能是2层嵌套解决方案:外嵌套标签相关资源


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