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Going back to 0, re-starting the business, aiming at 小程序, what exactly is he for?

2019-07-13 09:26:19 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

This article comes from the public number: Idea Network

闪酷做的是什么事情?是什么原因导致郝宪玮从0开始创业 ?小程序究竟有何魅力让这么多开发商前赴后继?

To understand the things that follow, or to start with Flash, Hao Xianxuan recalls: "Jinku was founded in 2012. At that time, several shareholders including me came from Yi Xun, Ctrip, and McCaw. We Although I have been in the e-commerce field for more than ten years, I still find it difficult after I came out. The shareholders including me used to hold technical positions in the company, so they have concepts like company operation and market execution. No."

In the early days, the Cases of Flash is very small. To be honest, I am trying to survive.

Then, Flash is in the July 2012 note 沈阳APP development


The book was successful. In October, I pulled in two more shareholders. It was counted as being "spoofed" by me. After all, there was no money at that time, only 20% of the shares were distributed to everyone. Coincidentally, in October we received a relatively large list of more than 100,000. The team members are very excited, which is a big turn for us!

It was really difficult at the beginning of the business, it was very hard, I didn’t earn much, I didn’t know the resources of the people, and I didn’t know how to operate the company. I was a little bit groping.

As the perception of the market strengthened, the business model was changed and the service capacity was improved. At this time, it was found that the market's recognition of Flash is getting stronger and stronger. In the gradual and steady development, the cool positioning is to focus on providing technical services for the transformation of traditional medium and large customers' Internet e-commerce. In this way, Flash has grown from an initial tens of thousands of dollars to hundreds of thousands until now millions. The size of the team is also expanding, and revenues are also growing at a rate of 2.5 times per year.

xx 在此期间,Flash还形成了多个产品系统,如B2C商城系统,B2B2C商城系统,B2B商城系统,跨境进口解决方案等。迭代新产品大约需要一年左右的时间。目前,工作重点是移动方面,因此大多数产品表达都是移动的。










XX Hao Xianyan said frankly that although there are many developers on the market who do 小程序, such as Aladdin, praise, 360shop, etc. they are still different from Cooler. First, the cool customers are only for e-commerce, 020, new retail. Doing marketing and sales, you can iterate one or two marketing plugins in just a week. The goal is to make 100 plug-ins in a year, which can help companies support user drainage and retention. If you use these 100 marketing plug-ins, you can rest assured that you can do both in terms of pulling and retaining. What you do is all the lifecycle management of marketing and sales, which is very different from Aladdin’s statistics. the difference.

小程序就像新大陆,地基是微信提供的,但是里面的基础设施需要我们来搭建。Users can build "factory" inside, can cover office building, can also cover apartment accommodation, and can also build shops like Wanda, operators can settle in. What we did was to build a lot of shops like Wanda in 小程序 and rent them to users. Enterprises do not spend a lot of money to buy out, they enjoy weekly 软件 upgrades and iterations, companies only need to focus on using 软件 to do business, technical matters to the cool customers to complete.

In fact, after the product has achieved a certain thickness, the key point that prevents you from iteratively upgrading depends on the team's understanding of the depth of the industry. For example,原来有很多做公众号的开发商,但是最终很多人都做不下了,为什么?because they don't know how to go next to the product, they can only leave if they do something.


(Cool many employees)

Cooler multi-product update iterations are fast, which has surprised many partners. As a new project, Cooler is equal to blocking the future and must fight forward. What moved me was that some time ago, our R&D team worked overtime until 3 am on Saturday. The team's strong execution will inevitably guarantee the speed of iteration. The team gives strength, as long as the direction is not wrong, then sooner or later will succeed. We have a customer who says: "你们产品做得很实在,不像有些人,只是做了个空架子,不实用。


谈到2017年的计划,郝先一有一个明确的目标。他承认,2017年,更多酷客户将在B端拥有100,000名企业客户,并将在该国举办/参与100个活动。 小程序的收入可以达到1亿。关于。包括上面提到的,产品方面必须完成100个营销插件。








最后,与公共号码相比,小程序具有更强的用户体验,因为它具有更强的开放性。 小程序内部高层表示它是为了减少用户使用的路径,降低用户的使用门槛,可以连接在线用户和离线使用场景。并且,当前公共号码具有小程序中的特征。





事实上,有些人担心这些问题,但从另一个角度来看,如果你做一个APP,你认为你的用户在哪里?是不是掌握在Apple和Android手中?更重要的是,微信对业务来说有点利润。以Mobike自行车小程序为例。最初,Mobike有自己的用户组,为什么捐赠给微信?但是数据显示Moby与微信结合,当时的用户增加了几倍。 微信的用户群接近9亿,你会发现你的用户群几乎是微信,重叠可能达到90%以上。



