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2019-07-10 16:30:15 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发



简单地说,域名泛解析是用*打开子域解析服务,大量子域泛洪。例如,主域名是abc.com来打开N多个1.abc.com,2.abc.com,3,abc.com,XXX.abc.com。这些子域名是随机的,被恶意用作非法站点。示例:site: kewatt.com.cn大量无用的垃圾邮件域名在非法行业中被非法使用。






The method is to close the pan-parsing, that is, the domain name service with the star*. Go to your domain name management center and find a deletion with *. It is the most basic practice to modify the domain name account password to improve security awareness. After turning off the parsing, these included site information can't be deleted immediately, and you can't submit a dead link (not your own control). You can only send a snapshot to Baidu and ask Baidu to delete these non-open spam sites. This is a long waiting process.

3. If you evade domain name malicious attacks?

Since it cannot be deleted, it is essential to prevent it.

Here are some suggestions:

1. Frequently use the SITE command to query the inclusion status, and find a large number of inclusion exceptions to be processed in a timely manner.

2. Domain name management account information can not be known to the second person, let the person to maintain and analyze.

3. Choose a reliable domain name service provider, do not look for unreliable domain name providers to host.

4. Add multi-level security secret authentication to the domain name. Don't think that the process is cumbersome, and the more cumbersome the account is, the safer it is.

The data is priceless. I hope everyone will pay more attention to security issues and not be wary.

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