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XX Come. From the point of view of obtaining information, such content loading speed is not available to customers. The image is an important element of 网站, but we can choose a picture that is good quality and suitable for 网站 loading. Therefore, when uploading images to 网站, we need to consider the image quality that is small but can be clearly displayed. It is not easy to add a load to 网站. The third point, pay attention to the advertising display mode, some newcomers will feel that 网站 does not come to the action effect, it is not 网站, it can not attract customers. Then there will be more advertising images in 网站, such as floating ads, pop-up ads, etc. 网站 is almost full of ads. The customer's feeling is that when opening the page, an advertisement may be popped up at any time, and the customer has to click to delete. This situation makes the customer lose a good impression on 网站, and the experience of 网站 is not good. 网站 is blocked by various advertisements as soon as it is opened. Even if the company wants to make use of advertising profits, it should also pay attention to the way the advertisements are displayed. 网站 is not produced by customers, and advertising is one of them. In 网站, if it is an appropriate and reasonably displayed advertisement, the customer will not be so disgusted.xx