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First, how to increase the external chain of your own SEO site, for the new station, it is more difficult to exchange friendship links. You can post through the forum, reply to the link, create a blog (Baidu space, Sina blog, blog bus, etc.) and go to the self-service link platform to register the SEO site, although no one exchanges links with you, but their own URL can be displayed on the platform. In general, the link platform is a spider that is more active. I have also practiced this method. For the new station, it is obvious that you can see that your SEO site backlinks have increased a lot after one day. Second, after the station is built (themes and keywords are determined, the SEO site is set up, and will not be significantly changed), you can submit the URL of your SEO site to the search engine, all major search engines have their own URL submission entry. Generally speaking, Google and soso can be included in your submission within one to five days. As for Baidu, it is hard to say. It is almost one or two days. The elderly may not include your SEO site for one month. This is normal. thing. There are many factors in Baidu's inclusion. After submitting the URL, in a few days, go to the webmaster tool to check the status of your SEO site. If you haven't included it, you can submit the URL again, but don't submit your own URL frequently. Third, in the initial stage of building a station, we must ensure the update of its SEO site content and the smooth increase of the external chain. The content of the SEO site must be guaranteed to be original, and not all content is collected. There is also the content of the SEO site to be related to the theme of your SEO site. This is very important for Google. Google usually determines the classification and theme nature of your SEO site based on the content of your SEO site. If the content of your SEO site is not related to the topic, it is difficult for your SEO site to get a good ranking for a long time. (It may even be blocked as a spam site. This is more accurate than Google’s.xx
事实上,最重要也是最重要的一点是,搜索引擎蜘蛛更活跃的论坛中的:帖子或发布到SEO网站的链接。最好锚定文本,但许多论坛会阻止锚文本的功能。使用论坛签名在论坛签名中留下指向您网站的链接。不,您可以在线搜索以及如何使用论坛进行签名。这里有几个推荐活跃蜘蛛的论坛。 Ali Mom,网站管理员,Laggard,Grassroots Web以及其他几个活跃的本地论坛,通常会留下一个链接,您可以在一两个小时内看到它。您自己的SEO网站的反向链接表明您的链接已被蜘蛛抓取,搜索引擎蜘蛛很可能已经访问过您的网站。这种方法非常有效。 (蜘蛛通过您的网站爬行并不意味着它们将被立即包含在您的网站中。)软件这些地方的公司