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Tell you if you want to develop 微信小程序!

2019-07-13 09:20:24 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

Since 微信 "小程序" has been open for testing in September 2016, it has received great attention from developers. Some even predict to die. Do you want to develop 微信小程序 combined with my understanding for more than two months, simply analyze the advantages and disadvantages of 微信小程序.

微信小程序, the original name: 微信 application number, side by side with the service number, subscription number, enterprise number, is an application that can be used without downloading and installing, and some people define it as a cast version of the app.


First, product positioning

微信小程序 is a new way to connect users and services, it can be easily acquired and distributed in 微信, and has an excellent experience. 微信小程序 is not H5, not H5, which is the application of Hybrid technology. HybridApp (mixed mode mobile app).

Second, 小程序 advantages:

For the user:

(1) No need to install, scan code to use, run away. It reflects Zhang Xiaolong’s concept of “running away”. Don't worry about the problem of installing too many apps. (2) Relatively high security, after all, malicious App prevention


Unbelievable. (3) The experience is better, and the style is basically the same as 微信.

For operators:

xx (1)微信拥有大量用户,而且非常粘。在微信中访问用户更容易。 (2)推广应用程序或公共帐户的成本太高,小程序“无需下载”的优势可以减轻心理负担,提高用户的工作效率。


(1)开发适应成本低。 微信公共号或小程序开发涉及Web前端和服务器后端。与iOS和Android开发相比,它至少节省了两个平台开发成本,节省了大量的时间和人力。因为这两个平台的开发人员基本上都是两个开发团队。 (2)相对完善的开发工具,微信开发工具不断升级,检测错误和调试工具也很方便。 (3)小程序可以与微信组合,并打开用户现有的App或订阅号后台用户数据(服务号,订阅号,小程序绑定到开放平台,通过UnionID合并用户),但不支持小程序和App直接跳。


1,小程序开发功能受微信生态平台的权限限制,微信开发什么,可以用,类似于沙箱。 2,小程序源代码大小不超过1M,如果业务稍微复杂一点,代码需要非常简洁,尽量重用代码,组件,模块化。 3.当用户首次使用它时,用户可能需要等待一段时间才能扫描代码。当我遇到小程序服务时,我等了一分钟,因为小程序需要微信来下载服务器上的文件,并且当时网络环境会影响体验。第二次使用会更快,一些数据已缓存到微信本地。 4.播放音频和视频时,用户将在离开小程序或微信时被暂停。 5,小程序开发页面级别允许最多5层,超出,只能重定向或替换到页面的某一层,但重定向经验可能出现在白板的情况下。 6,音频和视频播放目前不支持rtmp协议,该解决方案可以使用音频组件将rtmp转换为HLS协议。 7,微信允许小程序本地存储大小不超过10M,这要求程序及时清理旧的不太重要的数据。


