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What are the functions of the 微信 distribution mall

2019-07-13 17:28:42 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

With the development of science and technology, more and more online shopping malls appear in front of the public, including Taobao, Jingdong, etc. Nowadays, there are many 微信 distribution malls. With strong traffic, the profits of enterprises are very considerable. I believe there are still many people

With the development of science and technology, more and more online shopping malls appear in front of the public, including Taobao APP软件开发


, Jingdong, etc. now a lot of 微信 distribution malls, with strong traffic, the company's profits are very impressive. I believe there are still many people who don't know much about the 微信 distribution mall. Let's take a look at the functions of the 微信 distribution mall.


1, the function of the group

According to the needs of different users, the unique social function of 微信, combined with the group, to fully play the relationship of friends, can share the product to friends or circle of friends in a short time, thus achieving the fight, fight The group, saving money for customers, has also expanded some new users.

2, pre-sale function

Crafts or clothing, etc. can be achieved after the first collection of money. This not only saves the cost of production. It is also possible to accurately obtain the specific needs of customers by means of pre-sales. The pre-sale function of 微信 distribution mall can avoid the phenomenon of goods inventory in the merchants, not only that, but also can preheat the new products.

3. Marketing through points

微信 distribution mall can provide points marketing and membership points to help more businesses solve problems in the context of member promotions, channel rewards and customer feedback, and create a more complete experience for customers with unique points and gift interaction modes. The customer's return rate will also increase a lot.

xx 4. Report distribution

The 微信 distribution mall can generate orders in the background and then conduct unified sales. With daily statistics, monthly statistics, statistics of various regions and statistics of each age group, all aspects of information can be obtained, and the overall marketing direction can be mastered. Sales

微信 This huge social 软件, now more and more people use 微信, the number of users will reach one billion, 微信 distribution mall turns users into distributors, the scale of the team is also growing, the ecological chain is relatively complete, is now the most The business model of fire. With the further development of technology, the function of 微信 distribution mall will be more complete.



