BILOG-MG 项目反应测试软件
项目反应理论(Item Response Theory,简称IRT) 包括一组分析软件包: BILOG-MG, MULTILOG, PARSCALE, and TESTFACT。
◊ 试题反应理论(IRT)的应用
٠ 编制测验(量表)
٠ 测验等化
٠ 建立题库
٠ 组合测验
٠ 计算机化适性测验
BILOG-MG是适用于二元计分(对与错)试题logistic模式之试题参数及考生能力之估计的软件包。由美国Scientific Software, Inc发行,能处理单参数、二参数及三参数模式的数据。BILOG-MG 使用的统计法有可供选择:
· 最大相似法(Maximum Likelihood)
· 后面期望的贝氏法(Expected A Posteriori)
· 后面最大的贝氏法(Maximum A Posteriori)
· Graphical user interface
· Efficient analysis of binary items including multiple choice or short-answer items scored right, wrong, omitted, or not-presented
· Capable of large scale production analysis, and handling of multiple groups
· Performs item analysis and scoring of any number of subtests or subscales
· Non-equivalent groups equating
· Vertical equating of test forms
· Differential item functioning (DIF)
· Detection and correction for parameter trends over time (DRIFT)
· Calibration and Scoring of tests in two-stage testing procedures
· Estimation of latent ability or proficiency distributions
· Provision for items inserted in tests to estimate item statistics, but not included in calculation of examinee scores ("variant items")
· Item fit statistics, theoretic沈阳小程序开发
· Information curves and reliabilities for putative test forms
· Presentation quality IRT graphics, can be imported in Word, Access, etc.
Detailed online HELP documentation includes description of interface, syntax, and examples.