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2019-03-23 14:16:06 来源:沈阳软件公司 作者:沈阳软件开发


由上海海事大学与中远集运校企双方经过多年的共同努力与通力合作,开发成功的船舶管理信息系统,已在多家国内外知名船舶管理公司的几百艘船舶上运行多年。该系统是我国航运企业船舶管理理念的升华,涵盖了船舶管理过程中的各项基本功能,系统是一个成功的船舶信息化案例。应用软件已经国家软件指定测试中心进行过产品、性能两项测试,并获得国家知识产权局软件著作权登记证书(公司版:软著登字第018850;船舶版:软著登字第018851),成果经过上海市科委鉴定,并获得2004年交通部中国航海科技二等奖与上海市科学技术成果奖,在2004年获得上海市信息化委员会颁发的软件产品登记证书(沈阳小程序设计<a href=http://www.hvihi.com target=_blank class=infotextkey>沈阳<a href=http://www.hvihi.com target=_blank class=infotextkey>软件开发</a></a>,<a href=http://www.hvihi.com target=_blank class=infotextkey>沈阳<a href=http://www.hvihi.com target=_blank class=infotextkey>软件公司</a></a>公司版:沪DGY-2004-0400;船舶版:沪DGY-2004-0401)。该应用软件在国内市场中明显处于领先地位,与国外同类管理系统比,更符合我国国情与现行船舶管理体制、管理模式、管理理念,得到了国内航运企业与同行的认同。
        SMIS is an advanced ship management information system which is successfully developed by Shanghai Maritime University together with COSCO Container lines after years of hard work. The system has been used in hundreds of ships of several famous ship management company. It is an applicable information system embodying ideas of our shipping company and almost covers every work in ship management. The soft has passed the test for its product performance in designated testing center of our country and gained the copyright register certificate issued by our government. Our product keeps ahead in this area and even compared with some ones in foreign company, it meets the situation of our country and our management mode, ideas and was recognized by our shipping company and IT corporate.
Now our SMIS has been recognized by CCS(certificate no.:CDPM050002) and has extended to many branches of COSCO.


船舶管理信息系统设计时采用了“技术管理是基础、安全控制是核心、成本控制是目的”的基本管理理念。 Our management idea:“Basic technical management, Key safety control, Optimum cost control”根据我国船舶管理公司现有的网络设备及业务情况,系统硬件构架设计充分利用现有资源,采用分布式拓扑网络。数据库服务器在内部通过集线器、路由器等路由设备同中间件进行数据交互,在外部通过Web服务器通过Internet同终端进行数据交互。船舶数据通过卫星通讯方式定期同岸上服务器进行数据交换,保持船岸数据的一致性与资源共享。如图1:


        Our soft of Ship Edition focus on technical management and safety control, paying attention to equipment maintenance and repair, survey, inspection, project scheduling and equipments monitoring. In this edition, you can record consuming of fuel oil or lube oil, you can work in compliance with the quality management system. This edition consists of ten modules and provides important data for company system to run properly.



